
Episodes 1- Pilot

After decades of peace, mankind discovers that it is not alone in the universe and is pulled into a war with an unknown alien species. A group of new recruits in the United States Marine Corps are thrown into the heat of battle. They each joined for there own reason, but in the end they are all fighting for the same thing, Earth and the survival of the human race.
Years of calling out into the empty reaches of space have convinced man we are alone. But are we? A group of men, women and children stand together on the soil of a new planet, looking up to the stars as the flag of Earth is unfurled. But the peace of the night is shattered by alien warplanes. The colony is destroyed.

Back on Earth, Nathan West and his partner Kylen Celina are nervously going through the final checks in preparation for the launch that will take them to the new colony of Tellus and their dream of building a new world together. But mere hours before the launch they are informed that only one of them can go. Ten members of the crew are to be replaced by In Vitros, people artificially gestated in gestation chambers, known as "tanks". Nathan and Kylen decide that Kylen must go alone, and the only possible way Nathan can hope to eventually be re-united with her is to join the Marines and hope to become a colonial sentry.

Shane Vansen visits her former home on a military base in San Diego. There she relives her parents' brutal murder at the hands of Artificial Intelligence terrorists. Placing a wreath on the very spot where they died, Shane squares her shoulders and sets off to join the Marines.

A building site in Philadelphia and Cooper Hawkes is running for his life. His workmates have discovered he is an In Vitro, a despised "tank" and now they intend to string him up from a girder. But Cooper is no easy mark. He fights back, and the thugs scatter. Seizing an iron bar Cooper chases the ringleader into the street where he dives into the back of a police car. Incensed that the man who tried to kill him is now being protected by the police, Cooper starts smashing the police car. He is quickly stunned unconscious by the police, still entangled in the wire the lynch mob tried to hang him with. He is sentenced to serve a term in the Marines rather than go to prison.

With war suddenly breaking out the training of the new recruits begins in earnest. Nathan West is still angry at his treatment, and, when he hears that the Tellus colony ship has been shot down, terrified for Kylen. Only faith that she is among the few missing survivors keeps him going. Shane, having decided to join the Marines for herself, and to get away from looking after her younger sisters, is exasperated to find all members of the squadron looking to her for guidance. Cooper is sullen and rebellious. Three people thrown together for very different reasons, and the only way for them and their squad mates to survive is to learn to work together as a team.

Episode 2- The Farthest Man from Home

Convinced Kylen may be among a handful of survivors of the attack on the Tellus Colony, Nathan commandeers a fighter craft and returns to the planet, where he encounters Alien resistance which prevents him from completing his rescue and nearly costs him his life.


Special forces US Army Green Berets, headed by Capt. Joyner, board SCVN USS Saratoga with a survivor discovered on Planet Tellus uttering "I'm the Farthest Man From Home." Howard Sewell (from Aerotech Board of Directors who had Nathan thrown off Tellus mission,) threatens to "reeducate" the prisoner during interrogation if he does not candidly speak of his time spend with the Aliens. Nathan, after learning from the prisoner that Kylen Celina might be alive, goes AWOL to Tellus to search for her.

Cooper and Shane fall out of their reconnaissance formation ('Go Elvis') to go after Nathan with McQueen's tacit blessing. Nathan finds Celina's locker with her personal belongings and a line up of photo-tags (w/ digital playback buttons) of those who survived... Kylen's message "Nathan, we're always together." He proceeds to a cave following her direction to "Look to the high ground," and discovers two additional Tellus survivors - Theresa Ashford and Yuko Kaya - living amongst alien graves. They confirm his suspicions that Kylen was taken by the aliens. Nathan plans to attack the campground of aliens holding other hostages, but abandons the search to rescue Cooper whose plane is shot down nearby.

Shane radios McQueen who then boards an APC (Armored Personnel Carrier) to Tellus and orders the rest of the 58th to 'cover' it. Following the rescue, the survivors are taken away by Sewell (their fate unknown) and the 58th's actions are classified "Code Red" (not to be acknowledged or discussed.) The squadron will not see Tellus for another 50 years.

Episode 3 - The Dark Side of the Sun pisode

The 58th is assigned sentry duty on an asteroid where crucial fuel ore is mined, only to discover the mining base overrun by A.I. mercenaries intent on stealing the ore and selling it to the Alien forces. The 58th must stop the A.I.'s at all costs, and Shane is forced to confront these androids who murdered her parents.
Shane is haunted by nightmares of her ship flying into an exploding sun. As she is tossed into space, she drifts into the memory of her parents' murder by Silicates.

The 58th and Lt. Howard Gordon land on the Comet Bunuel to find themselves under attack by Silicates. They retreat into the industrial complex and discover the dead bodies of the miners who worked at the facility. While in the complex, Paul, Vanessa, and Cooper are captured by Al's commanded by Feliciti OH 519. By accessing an injured Al's RAM (Random Access Memory,) Shane and Nathan begin to track the Al's and their crew-mates down.

In an attempt to save the lives of the squadron, Cooper challenges Feliciti OH to "take a chance" at BlackJack; where the stakes are life and death. After Cooper loses 18 to 20, a Silicate (Jean-Paul) proceeds to carry out the execution. At the same time Nathan and Shane attack. While the rest of the Al's descend upon the squadron, Shane follows Feliciti. She discovers that the Silicates killed her parents for no particular reason; they were simply on the losing side of a coin toss. In a rampage, Shane kills Feliciti and Justin, saves the 58th, and shoots down the Al transport plane holding the stolen ore... but her nightmares do not stop.